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Welcome to my Website, my name is Lisa Giese, if you haven't noticed yet. I am a tortured creative mind. Why tortured?  I tried to study Physics but my heard decided another destiny. I graduated a Master in Fashion Design in Paris. Why Fashion? Good question. I needed a way to express my creativity. Passionate of several art Technics, fashion wasn't a predestination but it permits me to create my own creative world. In fact I can realize my fabrics, my garments, and stag them in a photography that I do myself. I don't do fashion for the clothes, I do fashion for the art. 

Research is, to me, the most important parts for a creative project. It means choosing an ambiance, a concept, finding artistic references, determine the colors and the fabrics. It is also about creating your own fabrics and testing new Technics, drawing and finding volumes for the garment by styling raw textiles. During this phase of creation I love mixing several arts and I often give sens to my research by setting it up in order to make a whole visual project out of it. Research is also art. 

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